Henry Hoffman

Henry Hoffman is a multidisciplinary artist born and currently living in London. His main themes are based on traces, symbolism and memory. His field recordings of spaces give the listener an insight into our connection to environment and surroundings; something we need to be reminded of in modern life. His paintings focus on nostalgia and our innate ability as viewers to create story through abstraction. Henry’s most recent body of work centres around ontology, exploring the way we can alter and receive information differently depending on how something is viewed. The work attempts to show how the many forms of a person, place or thing gives the capacity for anyone to create their own reality; an environment of their own design. Hoffman shows that abstraction creates a human moment; a trace of what was once. A feeling of sonder.


The Fossil

165 x 132cm

Acrylic and oil on canvas



Peartree Lane

180 x 130 cm

Oil on canvas




101 x 86 cm

Oil on canvas



Curling Leaves

101 x 86 cm

Oil on canvas



Max Theo Kehl


Lyndsey Redford