Emily Dymond

Emily’s work is an apothecary of stories drawn from her life experiences, imaginings, feelings and dreams. Emily explores her understanding of the mysteries of life through her work - using symbols and figures to communicate meaning. Sometimes a conscious construction of form to create the narrative of the piece, and sometimes an unraveling and un-planned spontaneous exploration that reveals a message.

‘Ultimately my works are messages about life and all the many facets of the human experience. Each piece will be reflecting either a personal or collective experience or imagining. The undefinable, unseen and enigmatic elements of life drive my work’


All That Matters is All That Matters

Acrylic on canvas

120 x 150cm


SOLD | The Substance of Love

Acrylic on canvas

120 x 150cm


Sweet Life

Acrylic on canvas board

35cm x 25cm


Meet you There

120 x 150 cm

acrylic on canvas


And if my life is like the dust that hides the glow of a Rose, what good am I?

Acrylic on board

30 x 40cm


Paratus in Shangri-La

Acrylic on board

27 x 34 cm


SOLD | Paratus

Acrylic on board

27 x 35


The Eternal Rose of Shangri-La & the Tears that turned to Diamonds

Acrylic & oil stick on canvas

100 x 100 cm


The White Horse & the Red String of Fate

Acrylic & oil stick on canvas

120 x 150


Venus Moves Forward

Acrylic & oil stick on canvas

120 x 150cm


SOLD | All that Matters

120 x 150cm

Acrylic & oil stick on board


Animula II

Acrylic on canvas board

35 x 25cm



Acrylic & oil stick on canvas

150 x 100 cm


An Offering to God

Acrylic & oil stick on board

60 x 80 cm


SOLD | Prince is King

Acrylic & oil stick on canvas board

50 x 70cm


Intertwined II

Acrylic on canvas

120 x 150cm


Victoria & the Sunflowers

29 x 41cm

Acrylic & oil stick on board


I Say Rien

Acrylic & oil stick on board

29 x 41cm



Acrylic on canvas board

40 x 25cm


SOLD | Delicate Love in my Heartbox

Acrylic & oil stick on canvas board

50 x 30cm


SOLD | Two Black Swans on the Merry Go Round of Life

Acrylic on board

55 x 35cm


Swan Song & Flower Flourish

Acrylic & Oil stick on canvas

60 x 45cm


SOLD | The Roaring Lion Protects the Secret Flower

25 x 20cm

Acrylic & oil stick on board


All You Need is Love (& Fruit)

Acrylic & oil stick on paper

58 x 35cm


SOLD | Yoko’s Flower

Acrylic on paper

38cm x 28cm


SOLD | Passion Flowers

Acrylic gouache on paper

38cm x 28cm


SOLD| Cub in her Cave

Acrylic gouache on paper

38cm x 28cm


SOLD Little Bang

Acrylic in paper

33 x 40cm



SOLD | Pray

acrylic gouache on paper

25 x 20cm


SOLD | Crown on and ready to cease the day

34 x 26cm

acrylic gouache on paper


Venus waits for her Love

acrylic gouache on paper

35 x 25cm


SOLD I New Moon, Sunflower Sky and Peacock Walking by

Acrylic on paper

38cm x 28cm


SOLD | Two Black Swans in a World full of things that have not yet been

Acrylic on paper

60 x 90 cm



SOLD | A friendship only the Moon Understands

Acrylic gouache on paper

60cm x 90cm


Blooming Marvelous

Acrylic on paper

38cm x 28cm



SOLD ‘Two Roaring Love Lions meet under the same Jungle Moon’

Acrylic gouache on paper

60 x 90cm



SOLD | Hey Flower, said Tiger

acrylic gouche on paper

90 x 60 cm


Emily 3.jpeg

Private Princess and her Secret Shells

acrylic gouche on paper

80 x 60cm


Emily 4.jpeg

SOLD |Exploding Heart & Electric Hands

acrylic gouche on paper

33 x 40cm


Emily 5.jpeg

SOLD |Something Like That

acrylic gouche on paper

33 x 40 cm


Emily 6.jpeg

SOLD | We Were Like Cats and Lilies

acrylic gouche on paper

33 x 40 cm


Emiy 7.jpeg

SOLD | The Cat Sat under the Lily Tree

acrylic and gouche

33 x 40 cm


Venus New Moon Love FlowersAcrylic gouache on paper33 x 40cm£525

SOLD | Venus New Moon Love Flowers

Acrylic gouache on paper

33 x 40cm


Swirling Love Vortex of Existence Acrylic gouache on paper33 x 40 cm£525

Swirling Love Vortex of Existence

Acrylic gouache on paper

33 x 40 cm


The Lily Tree Jungle Doesn’t Sleep at NightAcrylic gouache on paper40 x 33 cm£525

SOLD |The Lily Tree Jungle Doesn’t Sleep at Night

Acrylic gouache on paper

40 x 33 cm



Rosemary Scott


Jeremy Annear